Since my last post (ironically titled "Get Busy"") have reduced the number of live performances I've done to focus on some serious health and family issues. During this time, not one person from "the scene" in our hometown reached out to see why someone who does 2-3 shows a month minimum has done 2-3 shows in a year. I understand that people are busy, but I find it odd. I started to wonder if I would notice if someone else had done the same, would I notice? We're all very caught up in our own thing and I'm just as guilty.
I also have taken note that in my time in the scene, there have been less than 10 times another performer or band has invited me or my band(s) to play a show. I am consistently reaching out to other bands and performers to perform together on events that I have worked for. I have even passed along shows that I couldn't do or wouldn't be appropriate on. I have given many people great advice on the music business or their first show.
I wondered, "Should one get mad about this?" The answer is clearly "No". I have always given to "the scene" without asking for anything in return. I shouldn't start now.
I'm going to start going out to shows again. Supporting those who have the courage to perform and entertain their fellow humans.
Keep doing what you do. Get really good at doing it. Strive to always get better.
As always, we welcome your feedback